regulation regime câu
This is an incredibly immature regime in the North.Đây là hành vi rất đang lên án của Bắc Triều Tiên. I've been through three regime c...

Sir, you supported increased regulation.Thưa anh, anh đã ủng hộ việc thắt chặt các quy định. It's regulation, I have to ask you these ...

regulation a
Expert Assistance for Token Sales Under Regulation AHỗ trợ chuyên gia cho việc bán mã thông báo theo quy định A Well, we can’t call th...

regulation t
According to Regulation T, the initial margin requirement is 50%.Theo quy định hiện hành, tỷ lệ margin ban đầu tối đa là 50%. What is ...

a republical regime
Democratic republic with a presidential systemchế độ cộng hòa A republical regime The Return to a Republican Regimechế độ cộng hòa A rep...

accounting regime
Documents and vouchers in a foreign language must be translated into Vietnamese under the provisions of the Accounting Law and the acco...

capitalist regime
However, this problem is never and can never be solved radically in the capitalist regime.Song, vấn đề đó không bao giờ và không thể nà...

climatic regime
We would enter a new climatic regime.Chúng ta sẽ bước vào một chế độ thời tiết mới. The Little Ice Age has given way to a new climatic...

current regime
We do not want Iran's current regime.“Chúng tôi không muốn quân đội Iran ở Syria hiện tại. The two sides decided to join forces to ove...

customs regime
Before you send any packages to Tunisia you should be aware of the customs regime there.Trước khi bạn gửi bất kỳ gói hàng nào đến Tunis...

feudal regime
In the first decades of the 19th century, Germany still came under the feudal regime, and it was the most backward European country at ...

hydrological regime
Recent rapid changes in climatic factors like temperature and rainfall, as well as the hydrological regime of the Mekong River, have le...

irrigation regime
Care at home for Phalaenopsis orchid is precisely following the irrigation regime, illumination and providing the root system with enou...

movement regime
It also introduced limited provisions to a free movement regime for certain categories.Tuy nhiên, Chính phủ vẫn áp đặt một số hạn chế v...

operating regime
We’ve purposefully constrained the system’s optimization boundaries to a narrower operating regime to prioritize safety and reliability...

rana regime
As a result, the despotic Rana Regime was overthrown and we entered into a modern democratic era.Kết quả là chế độ Rana chuyên chế bị l...

regime maintenance
It was more a case of regime maintenance than regime disruption, as the political scientist John Ruggie has written.Nó giống như duy tr...

regime of liability
When in force, the treaty will provide a regime of liability and compensation for damage caused by HNS cargoes transported by sea, incl...

running regime
Finally, our bodies continuously change and optimize and our running regime also needs to change accordingly in order to challenge us.C...

water regime
In other words, according to Pan Shiying’s viewpoint, the waters surrounded by this line are the historical waters under China.s intern...

automatic regulation
Individual freezers can be equipped with a 230-litre storage tank, with automatic regulation of liquid nitrogen.Tủ đông cá nhân có thể ...

building regulation
Do I need Building Regulation approval to construct a boundary wall?Có bất kỳ quyền hạn khẩn cấp cho phép xây dựng một bức tường biên g...